Photonic multipartite entanglement in discrete variables without arbitrary unitaries
Banic M., Sipe J.E., and Liscidini M.
Phys. Rev. Research 7, 013060 (2025)
Squeezing enhancement by suppression of noise through a resonant interferometric coupler
Viola A., Malaspina F., and Liscidini M.
Opt. Lett. 49, 5611 (2024)
A Tailor-made Quantum State Tomography Approach
Binosi D., Garberoglio G., Maragnano D., Dapor M., and Liscidini M.
APL Quantum 1, 036112 (2024)
Super spontaneous four-wave mixing in a sequence of lossy ring resonators
Mataji-Kojouri A. and Liscidini M.
Phys. Rev. A 110, 043509 (2024)
Photon number distribution of squeezed light from a silicon nitride microresonator measured without photon number resolving detectors
Bruschi E., Borghi M., Bacchi M., Liscidini M., Galli M., and Bajoni D.
Optica Quantum 2, 214 (2024)
Generation of entangled photon pairs from a silicon bichromatic photonic crystal cavity
Barone A., Clementi M., Poempool T., Marcia A., Bajoni D., Liscidini M., Gerace D., Fromherz T., and Galli M.
APL Photonics 9, 016110 (2024)
Integrated photonic sources of frequency-bin-encoded multipartite entangled states
Banic M., Sipe J.E., and Liscidini M.
Phys. Rev. A 109, 01350 (2024)
Uncorrelated photon pair generation from an integrated silicon nitride resonator measured by time-resolved coincidence detection
Borghi M., Pagano P. L., Liscidini M., Bajoni D., and Galli M.
Opt. Lett. 14, 3966 (2024)
High-fidelity generation of four-photon GHZ states on-chip
Pont M., Corrielli G., Fyrillas A., Agresti I., Carvacho G., Maring N., Emeriau P.-E., Ceccarelli F., Albiero R., Ferreira P.H.D., Somaschi N., Senellart J., Sagnes I, Morassi M., Lemaitre A., Senellart P., Sciarrino F., Liscidini M., Belabas N., Osellame R.
npj Quantum Information 10, 50 (2024)
Broadband spontaneous parametric downconversion in reconfigurable poled linearly uncoupled resonators
Stefano A., Zatti L., and Liscidini M.
Opt. Lett. 49, 4819 (2024)
Grating Couplers for Guided Bloch Surface Waves
Perani T. and Liscidini M.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 40, 306 (2023)
Polarization states and far-field optical properties in dielectric photonic crystal slabs
Zagaglia L., Zanotti S., Minkov M., Liscidini M., Gerace D., and Andreani L.C.
Opt. Lett. 48, 5017 (2023)
Programmable frequency-bin quantum states in a nano-engineered silicon device
Clementi M., Sabattoli F., Borghi M., Youssef L., Gianini L., Bergamasco N., El Dirani H., Tagliavacche N., Petit-Etienne C., Pargon E., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M., Sciancalepore C., Galli M., and Bajoni D.
Nat. Comm. 14, 176 (2023)
Reconfigurable silicon photonic chip for the generation of frequency-bin-entangled qudits
Borghi M., Tagliavacche N., Sabattoli F. A. ,El Dirani H. , Youssef L., Petit-Etienne C. , Pargon E. , Sipe J.E., Liscidini M., Sciancalepore C. , Galli M., and Bajoni D.
Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 064026 (2023)
Frequency-bin quantum information
H.-H. Lu, M. Liscidini, A. L. Gaeta, A. M. Weiner, and J. M. Lukens
Optica 10, 1655 (2023)
Generation of photon pairs by spontaneous four-wave mixing in linearly uncoupled resonators
Zatti L., Sipe J.E., and Liscidini M.
Phys. Rev. A 107, 013514 (2023)
Classical Imaging with Undetected Photons using Four-Wave Mixing in Silicon core Fibers
Huang M., Wu D., Ren H., Shen L., Hawkins T.W., Ballato J., Gibson U.J., Beresna M., Slavik R., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M., and Peacock A.
Photonics Res. 11, 137 (2023)
Narrow-band photon pair generation through cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric down-conversion
Mataji-Kojouri A. and Liscidini M.
Phys. Rev. A Phys. Rev. A 108, 053714 (2023)
Beyond photon pairs: Nonlinear quantum photonics in the high-gain regime
Quesada N., Helt L.G., Menotti M., Liscidini M., and Sipe J. E.
Adv. Opt. Phot. 14, 291 (2022)
Nonlinear coupling of linearly uncoupled resonators through a Mach-Zehnder interferometer
Sabattoli F.A., El Dirani H., Youssef L., Gianini L. , Zatti L., Garrisi F., Grassani D., Petit-Etienne C., Pargon E., Sipe J.E. , Liscidini M., Sciancalepore C., Bajoni D., and Galli M.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 201101 (2022)
Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion in Linearly Uncoupled Resonators
Zatti L., Bergamasco N., Lomonte E., Lenzini F., Pernice W., Liscidini M.
Opt. Lett. 47, 1766 (2022)
Super spontaneous four-wave mixing in an array of silicon microresonators
Borghi M., Sabattoli F.A., El Dirani H., Youssef L., Petit-Etienne C., Pargon E., Sipe J.E., Mataji-Kojouri A., Liscidini M., Sciancalepore C., Galli M., and Bajoni D.
Phys. Rev. Appl. 18, 034007 (2022)
Extending thermal stability of short-living soliton states in Silicon Nitride microring resonators
Grassani D., El Dirani H., Sabattoli F.A., Youssef L., Petit-Etienna C., Kerdiles S., Pargon E., Liscidini M., Sciancalepore C., Bajoni D., and Galli M.
Opt. Continuum 7, 1516 (2022)
Two strategies for modeling nonlinear optics in lossy integrated photonic structures
Banic M., Zatti L., Liscidini M., and Sipe J.E.
Phys. Rev. A 106, 043707 (2022)
Single-photon nonlinearities and blockade from a strongly driven photonic molecule
Nigro D., Clementi M., Brès C.S., Liscidini M., and Gerace D.
Opt. Lett. 47, 5348 (2022)
Silicon source of frequency-bin entangled photons
Sabattoli F. A., Gianini L., Simbula A. , Clementi M., Fincato A., Boeuf F., Liscidini M., Galli M., and Bajoni D.
Opt. Lett. 47, 6201-6204 (2022)
Resonant and non-resonant integrated third-order parametric down conversion
Banic M., Liscidini M., and Sipe J.E.
Phys. Rev. A 106, 013710 (2022)
Generation of Photon Pairs by Stimulated Emission in Ring Resonators
Banic M., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E.
Opt. Lett. 47, 1802 (2022)
Suppression of parasitic nonlinear processes in spontaneous four-wave mixing in linearly uncoupled resonators
Sabattoli F. A. , El Dirani H. , Youssef L., Garrisi F., Grassani D., Zatti L., Petit-Etienne C., Pargon E., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M., Sciancalepore C., Bajoni D., and Galli M.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 033901 (2021)
Squeezed light from a nanophotonic molecule
Zhang Y. , Menotti M. Tan K., Vaidya V.D., Mahler D.H., Helt L.G., Zatti L., Liscidini M., Morrison B., and Vernon Z.
Nat. Comm. 12, 2233 (2021)
Photonic sunflowers: light-activated shape morphing and light-tracking materials using biopolymer-based programmable photonic nanostructures
Wang Y., Li M., Chang J.-K., Aurelio D., Li W., Kim B. J., Kim J.H., Liscidini M., Rogers J.A., and Omenetto F.G,
Nat. Comm. 12, 1651 (2021)
Generation of Hyper-entangled States in Strongly Coupled Topological Defects
Bergamasco N., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M.
Opt. Lett. 46, 2244 (2021)
Electrically driven source of time-energy entangled photons based on a self-pumped silicon microring resonator
Garrisi F., Sabattoli F.A., Sam S., Barone A., Previde Massara M., Pirzio F., Morichetti F., Melloni A., Liscidini M., Galli M., and Bajoni D.
Opt. Lett. 45(10), 2768 (2020)
Spontaneous parametric down conversion in a doubly resonant one-dimensional photonic crystal
Introini V., Steel M.J., Sipe J.E., Helt L.G. and Liscidini M.
Opt. Lett. 45, 1244 (2020)
Long-range Bloch surface waves in photonic crystal ridges
Perani T., Liscidini M.
Opt. Lett. 45, 6534 (2020)
Stimulated four-wave mixing in linearly uncoupled resonators
Tan K., Menotti M., Vernon Z., Sipe J. E. , Liscidini M., and Morrison B.
Opt. Lett. 45, 873 (2020)
Scalable and efficient source of entangled frequency bins
Liscidini M. and Sipe J.E.
Opt. Lett. 44, 2625 (2019)
Bloch surface wave ring resonator based on porous silicon
Rodriguez G.A., Aurelio D., Liscidini M., and Weiss S.M.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 011101 (2019)
Scalable Squeezed-Light Source for Continuous-Variable Quantum Sampling
Vernon, Z. and Quesada, N. and Liscidini, M. and Morrison, B. and Menotti, M. and Tan, K. and Sipe, J.E.
Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 064024 (2019)
Generation of photon pairs in topologically protected guided modes
Bergamasco N. and Liscidini M.
Phys. Rev. A 100, 053827 (2019)
Strong Nonlinear Coupling in a Si3N4 Ring Resonator
Ramelow S., Farsi A., Vernon Z., Clemmen S., Ji X., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M., Lipson M., and Gaeta A.L.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 153906 (2019)
Silicon solar cells: towards the efficiency limits
Andreani L.C., Bozzola A., Kowalczewski P., Liscidini M., Redorici L.
Adv. Phys. X 4,1548305 (2019)
Nonlinear Coupling of Linearly Uncoupled Resonators
Menotti M., Morrison B., Tan K., Vernon Z., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122,013904 (2019)
Stimulated Emission Tomography: Beyond Polarization
Ciampini M.A., Geraldi A., Crimi V., Macchiavello C., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M., Mataloni P.
Opt. Lett. 44,41 (2019)
Three-Photon Discrete-Energy-Entangled W State in an Optical Fiber
Fang B., Menotti M., Liscidini M., Sipe J. E., and Lorenz V. O.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 070508 (2019)
Bloch-surface-wave photonic crystal nanobeam cavity
Perani T., Aurelio D., and Liscidini M.
Opt. Lett. 44(21), 5133 (2019)
Guided modes in photonic crystal slabs supporting Bloch surface waves
Baghbadorani H.K., Aurelio D., Barvestani J., Liscidini M.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35,805 (2018)
Biomaterial-Based "Structured Opals" with Programmable Combination of Diffractive Optical Elements and Photonic Bandgap Effects
Wang Y., Li W., Zhao S., De Ferrari F., Liscidini M., Omenetto F.G.
Adv. Mat. 0,1805312 (2018)
Nonlinear characterization of a silicon integrated Bragg waveguide filter
Massara M.P., Menotti M., Bergamasco N., Harris N.C., Baehr-Jones T., Hochberg M., Galland C., Liscidini M., Galli M., Bajoni D.
Opt. Lett. 43,1171 (2018)
Modulation of Multiscale 3D Lattices through Conformational Control: Painting Silk Inverse Opals with Water and Light
Wang Y., Aurelio D., Li W., Tseng P., Zheng Z., Li M., Kaplan D.L., Liscidini M., Omenetto F.G.
Adv. Mat. 29,1702769 (2017)
Truly unentangled photon pairs without spectral filtering
Vernon Z., Menotti M., Tison C.C., Steidle J.A., Fanto M.L., Thomas P.M., Preble S.F., Smith A.M., Alsing P.M., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E.
Opt. Lett. 42,3638 (2017)
Integrated sources of photon quantum states based on nonlinear optics
Caspani L., Xiong C., Eggleton B.J., Bajoni D., Liscidini M., Galli M., Morandotti R., Moss D.J.
Light Sci. Appl. 6, e17100 (2017)
Bloch Long-Range Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Metal Stripe Waveguides on a Multilayer Substrate
Fong N.R., Menotti M., Lisicka-Skrzek E., Northfield H., Olivieri A., Tait N., Liscidini M., Berini P.
ACS Phot. 4,593 (2017)
Electromagnetic field enhancement in Bloch surface waves
Aurelio D., Liscidini M.
Phys. Rev. B 96,45308 (2017)
Parasitic Photon-Pair Suppression via Photonic Stop-Band Engineering
Helt L.G., Bra_czyk A.M., Liscidini M., Steel M.J.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118,73603 (2017)
Generation of Path-Encoded Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger States
Bergamasco N., Menotti M., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M.
Phys. Rev. Appl. 8,54014 (2017)
Green's function method to study thin diffraction gratings
Travo D.A., Muniz R.A., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E.
Phys. Rev. B 96,205140 (2017)
Parametric fluorescence in a sequence of resonators: An analogy with Dicke superradiance
Onodera T., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E., Helt L.G.
Phys. Rev. A 93,43837 (2016)
Efficiency enhancement via metal-coated porous amorphous silicon back reflectors incorporated in amorphous silicon solar cells
Bhandaru S., Bozzola A., Liscidini M., Weiss S.M.
MRS Comm. 6,117 (2016)
Energy correlations of photon pairs generated by a silicon microring resonator probed by Stimulated Four Wave Mixing
Grassani D., Simbula A., Pirotta S., Galli M., Menotti M., Harris N.C., Baehr-Jones T., Hochberg M., Galland C., Liscidini M., Bajoni D.
Sci. Rep. 6,23564 (2016)
Continuous wave photon pair generation in silicon-on-insulator waveguides and ring resonators and Erratum: Comment
Liscidini M., Sipe J.E., Helt L.G.
Opt. Express 24,9130 (2016)
Generation of energy-entangled W states via parametric fluorescence in integrated devices
Menotti M., Maccone L., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M.
Phys. Rev. A 94,13845 (2016)
Multidimensional characterization of an entangled photon-pair source via stimulated emission tomography
Fang B., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E., Lorenz V.O.
Opt. Express 24,10013 (2016)
No free lunch: The trade-off between heralding rate and efficiency in microresonator-based heralded single photon sources
Vernon Z., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E.
Opt. Lett. 41,788 (2016)
Quantum frequency conversion and strong coupling of photonic modes using four-wave mixing in integrated microresonators
Vernon Z., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E.
Phys. Rev. A 94,23810 (2016)
Low-power four-wave mixing in porous silicon microring resonators
Simbula A., Rodriguez G.A., Menotti M., De Pace S., Weiss S.M., Galli M., Liscidini M., Bajoni D.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 109,21106 (2016)
Optical resonators based on Bloch surface waves
Menotti M., Liscidini M.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 32,431 (2015)
Characterizing an entangled-photon source with classical detectors and measurements
Rozema L.A., Wang C., Mahler D.H., Hayat A., Steinberg A.M., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M.
Optica 2,430 (2015)
Photonic light trapping and electrical transport in thin-film silicon solar cells
Andreani L.C., Bozzola A., Kowalczewski P., Liscidini M.
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 135,78 (2015)
Bi-photon spectral correlation measurements from a silicon nanowire in the quantum and classical regimes
Jizan I., Helt L.G., Xiong C., Collins M.J., Choi D.-Y., Joon Chae C., Liscidini M., Steel M.J., Eggleton B.J., Clark A.S.
Sci. Rep. 5,12557 (2015)
Micrometer-scale integrated silicon source of time-energy entangled photons
Grassani D., Azzini S., Liscidini M., Galli M., Strain M.J., Sorel M., Sipe J.E., Bajoni D.
Optica 2,88 (2015)
Strong coupling between excitons in organic semiconductors and Bloch surface waves
Pirotta S., Patrini M., Liscidini M., Galli M., Dacarro G., Canazza G., Guizzetti G., Comoretto D., Bajoni D.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104,51111 (2014)
High-resolution spectral characterization of two photon states via classical measurements
Eckstein A., Boucher G., Lemaître A., Filloux P., Favero I., Leo G., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M., Ducci S.
Laser Photonics Rev 8,L76 (2014)
Broadband light trapping with disordered photonic structures in thin-film silicon solar cells
Bozzola A., Liscidini M., Andreani L.C.
Prog. Photovoltaics 22,1237 (2014)
Photonic crystal light emitting diode based on Er and Si nanoclusters co-doped slot waveguide
Lo Savio R., Galli M., Liscidini M., Andreani L.C., Franzò G., Iacona F., Miritello M., Irrera A., Sanfilippo D., Piana A., Priolo F.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104,121107 (2014)
Cascade luminescent solar concentrators
Flores Daorta S., Proto A., Fusco R., Claudio Andreani L., Liscidini M.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104,153901 (2014)
Room temperature Bloch surface wave polaritons
Lerario G., Cannavale A., Ballarini D., Dominici L., De Giorgi M., Liscidini M., Gerace D., Sanvitto D., Gigli G.
Opt. Lett. 39,2068 (2014)
Fast and highly resolved capture of the joint spectral density of photon pairs
Fang B., Cohen O., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E., Lorenz V.O.
Optica 1,281 (2014)
Light trapping and electrical transport in thin-film solar cells with randomly rough textures
Kowalczewski P., Bozzola A., Liscidini M., Claudio Andreani L.
J. Appl. Phys. 115,194504 (2014)
Stimulated and spontaneous four-wave mixing in silicon-on-insulator coupled photonic wire nano-cavities
Azzini S., Grassani D., Galli M., Gerace D., Patrini M., Liscidini M., Velha P., Bajoni D.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103,31117 (2013)
Dual gratings for enhanced light trapping in thin-film solar cells by a layer-transfer technique
Schuster C.S., Kowalczewski P., Martins E.R., Patrini M., Scullion M.G., Liscidini M., Lewis L., Reardon C., Andreani L.C., Krauss T.F.
Opt. Express 21,A433 (2013)
Surface-enhanced raman scattering in purely dielectric structures via bloch surface waves
Pirotta S., Xu X.G., Delfan A., Mysore S., Maiti S., Dacarro G., Patrini M., Galli M., Guizzetti G., Bajoni D., Sipe J.E., Walker G.C., Liscidini M.
J. Phys. Chem. C 117,6821 (2013)
Poled-fiber source of broadband polarization-entangled photon pairs
Zhu E.Y., Tang Z., Qian L., Helt L.G., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E., Corbari C., Canagasabey A., Ibsen M., Kazansky P.G.
Opt. Lett. 38,4397 (2013)
Light trapping in thin-film solar cells with randomly rough and hybrid textures
Kowalczewski P., Liscidini M., Andreani L.C.
Opt. Express 21,A808 (2013)
Surface enhanced Raman scattering in the presence of multilayer dielectric structures
Delfan A., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29,1863 (2012)
Engineering Gaussian disorder at rough interfaces for light trapping in thin-film solar cells
Kowalczewski P., Liscidini M., Andreani L.C.
Opt. Lett. 37,4868 (2012)
Direct generation of polarization-entangled photon pairs in a poled fiber
Zhu E.Y., Tang Z., Qian L., Helt L.G., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E., Corbari C., Canagasabey A., Ibsen M., Kazansky P.G.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108,213902 (2012)
Ultra-low power generation of twin photons in a compact silicon ring resonator
Azzini S., Grassani D., Strain M.J., Sorel M., Helt L.G., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M., Galli M., Bajoni D.
Opt. Express 20,23100 (2012)
From classical four-wave mixing to parametric fluorescence in silicon microring resonators
Azzini S., Grassani D., Galli M., Andreani L.C., Sorel M., Strain M.J., Helt L.G., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M., Bajoni D.
Opt. Lett. 37,3807 (2012)
Asymptotic fields for a Hamiltonian treatment of nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena
Liscidini M., Helt L.G., Sipe J.E.
Phys. Rev. A 85,13833 (2012)
Photonic light-trapping versus Lambertian limits in thin film silicon solar cells with 1D and 2D periodic patterns
Bozzola A., Liscidini M., Andreani L.C.
Opt. Express 20,A224 (2012)
Super spontaneous four-wave mixing in single-channel side-coupled integrated spaced sequence of resonator structures
Helt L.G., Sipe J.E., Liscidini M.
Opt. Lett. 37,4431 (2012)
How does it scale? Comparing quantum and classical nonlinear optical processes in integrated devices
Helt L.G., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29,2199 (2012)
Surface guided modes in photonic crystal ridges: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Liscidini M.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29,2103 (2012)
Guided Bloch surface wave polaritons
Liscidini M., Gerace D., Sanvitto D., Bajoni D.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 98,121118 (2011)
Direct imprinting of porous substrates: A rapid and low-cost approach for patterning porous nanomaterials
Ryckman J.D., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E., Weiss S.M.
Nano Lett. 11,1857 (2011)
Directional enhancement of spontaneous emission in polymer flexible microcavities
Frezza L., Patrini M., Liscidini M., Comoretto D.
J. Phys. Chem. C 115,19939 (2011)
Synthesis of amorphous silicon/magnesia based direct opals with tunable optical properties
Pallavidino L., Liscidini M., Virga A., Chiodoni A., Descrovi E., Cos J., Andreani L.C., Pirri C.F., Geobaldo F., Giorgis F.
Opt. Mater. 33,563 (2011)
Phase-matching with a twist: Second-harmonic generation in birefringent periodically poled fibers
Zhu E.Y., Qian L., Helt L.G., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E., Corbari C., Canagasabey A., Ibsen M., Kazansky P.G.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27,2410 (2010)
Porous silicon structures for low-cost diffraction-based biosensing
Ryckman J.D., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E., Weiss S.M.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96,171103 (2010)
Quasiguided surface plasmon excitations in anisotropic materials
Liscidini M., Sipe J.E.
Phys. Rev. B 81,115335 (2010)
Design and analysis of high-index-contrast gratings using coupled mode theory
Ahmed A., Liscidini M., Gordon R.
IEEE Phot. J. 2,884 (2010)
Sensing by means of nonlinear optics with functionalized GaAs/AlGaAs photonic crystals
Estephan E., Bajoni D., Saab M.-B., Cloitre T., Aulombard R., Larroque C., Andreani L.C., Liscidini M., Malvezzi A.M., Gergely C.
Langmuir 26,10373 (2010)
Measurement of _(2) symmetry in a poled fiber
Zhu E.Y., Qian L., Helt L.G., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E., Corbari C., Canagasabey A., Ibsen M., Kazansky P.G.
Opt. Lett. 35,1530 (2010)
Light trapping regimes in thin-film silicon solar cells with a photonic pattern
Zanotto S., Liscidini M., Andreani L.C.
Opt. Express 18,4260 (2010)
Spontaneous four-wave mixing in microring resonators
Helt L.G., Yang Z., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E.
Opt. Lett. 35,3006 (2010)
Demonstration of diffraction enhancement via Bloch surface waves in a -SiN:H multilayers
Liscidini M., Galli M., Patrini M., Loo R.W., Goh M.C., Ricciardi C., Giorgis F., Sipe J.E.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94,43117 (2009)
New approaches for enhancing light emission from Er-based materials and devices
Irrera A., Galli M., Miritello M., Lo Savio R., Iacona F., Franzò G., Canino A., Piro A.M., Belotti M., Gerace D., Politi A., Liscidini M., Patrini M., Sanfilippo D., Fallica P.G., Andreani L.C., Priolo F.
Physica E 41,891 (2009)
Proposal for in-fiber generation of telecom-band polarization-entangled photon pairs using a periodically poled fiber
Helt L.G., Zhu E.Y., Liscidini M., Qian L., Sipe J.E.
Opt. Lett. 34,2138 (2009)
Strong modification of light emission from a dye monolayer via Bloch surface waves
Liscidini M., Galii M., Shi M., Dacarro G., Patrini M., Bajoni D., Sipe J.E.
Opt. Lett. 34,2318 (2009)
Analysis of Bloch-surface-wave assisted diffraction-based biosensors
Liscidini M., Sipe J.E.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 26,279 (2009)
Scattering-matrix analysis of periodically patterned multilayers with asymmetric unit cells and birefringent media
Liscidini M., Gerace D., Andreani L.C., Sipe J.E.
Phys. Rev. B 77,35324 (2008)
Spontaneous parametric down-conversion in waveguides: A backward Heisenberg picture approach
Yang Z., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E.
Phys. Rev. A 77,33808 (2008)
Low-power continuous-wave nonlinear optics in doped silica glass integrated waveguide structures
Ferrera M., Razzari L., Duchesne D., Morandotti R., Yang Z., Liscidini M., Sipe J.E., Chu S., Little B.E., Moss D.J.
Nat. Photonics 2,737 (2008)
Grating couplers on porous silicon planar waveguides for sensing applications
Wei X., Kang C., Liscidini M., Rong G., Retterer S.T., Patrini M., Sipe J.E., Weiss S.M.
J. Appl. Phys. 104,123113 (2008)
Maximum-exponent scaling behavior of optical second-harmonic generation in finite multilayer photonic crystals
Liscidini M., Locatelli A., Andreani L.C., De Angelis C.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99,53907 (2007)
Enhancement of diffraction for biosensing applications via Bloch surface waves
Liscidini M., Sipe J.E.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91,253125 (2007)